Saturday, April 25, 2015


I am opening this blog, not as a usual blog, but a research project. In this case, let me site Bill James’s definition of what a research project is:

 “…The key is to find the question.

Once you find a question that is  interesting and compelling, it is actually makes very little difference to the world as a whole if you get  the answer right or wrong;

It makes a difference to your own career whether you get it right or wrong;

It makes a  difference to your pride whether you get it right or wrong;

But if you find an interesting question to research, whether you get the answer right or wrong does not matter at all.

Because if you don’t get it right somebody else will.

Every interesting question becomes a basis for sequential research done a lot by different people.

And the first take on the answer to it is always wrong. So what.

What is critical is to be able to find a question that has an answer, to which you do not know the answer.

If you can find a question which has an objective answer, and you do not know the answer, then you have a research project.” [1]

And the project is about the Geothermal Science, particularly the Science that comes from it.
Geothermal Science, as I see it on the slump.

As more  geothermal plants [2]  and other renewable energy sources are being developed, fewer  Geothermalists   are ready  to replace retiring experts.

This is the concern.

The key Question to answer is whether Geothermal Science has matured enough to meet the demands of the industry?

I am PB, blogger of  the Dead Geothermalists Society, welcoming you to join me on my travel.


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